About Us

The purpose of this Council is to study and discuss problems germane to the field of estate planning. Related aspects of estate planning should be considered systematically in a technical and professional manner. There are many incentives to becoming a member including continuing education credits, educational information, networking, and many more.
Memberships are not transferable. They are issued upon an individual basis, so attendance will be by individual members only. Applicants must be sponsored by two members in good standing. Annual dues are $255.00.
Meetings are held five (5) times each year, typically on the third Tuesday of each meeting month, except when requirements of speakers make a change necessary. Dinner meetings are held in the months of September, November, January and March. A full-day seminar is held in May. Dinner meetings commence with a social hour at 5:15 pm, a buffet dinner beginning at 5:30 pm, followed by an SEPC Officer introducing the speaker at 6:00 pm. Dinner meetings usually conclude by 7:30pm.
Each member is expected to attend every meeting, RSVP is required in advance of the event, walk-ins are welcome but not preferred, an RSVP 48 hours in advance of the meeting if unable to attend is respectfully requested. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings in a fiscal year, without reasonable excuse communicated to the Council’s Administrative Assistant at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting, shall automatically cause a forfeiture of membership. In such case, no refund will be made on any paid membership fee.