January Dinner Meeting - Unmarried Individuals & Estate Planning Issues

Unmarried Individuals & Estate
Planning Issues
At our January meeting, we continue this year's theme of Estate Planning for the 99% with the topic "Unmarried Individuals & Estate Planning Issues" which will be presented by Diane J. Kiepe, J.D., LL.M. (Taxation).
According to a 2012 Pew Research Center analysis of census data, one-in-five adults ages 25 and older (about 42 million people) have never been married. Some of these individuals will marry later in life and many will never marry --- but a good percentage of them live with another person. Unmarried individuals may not take advantage of time-tested estate planning techniques such as marital trusts or portability.
"Unmarried Individuals & Estate Planning Issues" focuses on the unique estate planning issues facing this large percentage of the population, including those who cohabitate, college students, seniors and others. Issues relating to fiduciary selection for unmarried individuals will also be discussed.
Diane J. Kiepe is a partner with the law firm of Douglas, Eden, Phillips, DeRuyter & Stanyer, P.S. in Spokane, Washington. Her primary practice areas include estate and trust planning, probate, and estate income and gift tax. Ms. Kiepe is licensed to practice in Washington and a member of the Washington Bar Association. She received her L.L.M. in Taxation from the University of Miami in 1994, her Juris Doctorate from Memphis State University in 1993. Prior to moving to Spokane, Mrs. Kiepe spent 10 years with AutoZone, Inc. as in-house counsel for the construction department and leasing department.
Please note that the January meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 (one week later than the usual meeting date) in the third-floor ballroom of the John J. Hemmingson Center on the campus of Gonzaga University.
Free parking is available on the third-floor level of the BARC parking garage. Travel north on Hamilton and turn left at Boone Avenue. The entrance to the BARC Parking Garage is on your left.
Exit the BARC Parking Garage via the northwest corner and walk one block south (left) on Cincinnati. The Hemmingson Center is located on Desmet, one block west of Cincinnati. The Ballroom is on the third floor.
Note: Law, Insurance and CFP CE credits are pending. The CPA CE Certificates will be available at the meeting.